
SEM specification

by 모아레 posted Jan 26, 2010


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The SEM facility operates a Philips XL30CP with PGT Spirit X-ray analysis and HKL Channel5 Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD) systems. The specification of the instrument is:

  • Electron Gun: A tungsten filament source produces a stable and high current electron beam, ideal for x-ray analysis as well as imaging.
  • Resolution: The resolution of the microscope is 3.5nm at 30kV using the secondary electron (SE) detector.
  • Backscatter: The backscatter (BSE) detector allows the imaging of specimens that have a mean atomic number difference of >0.1.
  • Cathodoluminescence: The Philips cathodoluminescence (CL) detector has a spectral response of 20%QE from 275 to 600nm.
  • Controlled pressure: The specimen chamber pressure may be controlled in the range from 0.1 to 1mBar, allowing the analysis and (BSE) imaging of insulators, hydrated samples or uncoated specimens without charging artifacts.
  • Stage: 50*50mm eucentric stage featuring motorised control of x, y, z and rotation.
  • The PGT Spirit EDS X-ray anlysis system allows qualitative and quantitative analysis as well as X-ray imaging of samples. The energy dispersive X-ray detector can detect elements heavier than and including Carbon.
  • The HKL Channel5 EBSD system enables the determination of crystallographic orientation data.
  • Images: All images may be stored using either a high resolution digital frame store (1404*968 or 702*484) or high resolution phototube. Digital (.tif) images may be exported to CD or USB memory stick. Output devices include a laser printer and a thermal video printer.
  • Operating System: All microscope, X-ray and EBSD analysis systems operate via a computer using the Windows operating system.
  • The Facility also has the necessary support equipment:

    • Sample preparation including impregnation, cutting, grinding and polishing equipment.
    • Carbon and Gold coating.
    • Reflected and transmitted light microscopes with photographic facilities for specimen documentation.
    • Optical cathodoluminescence microscope.
    • Black & White photographic developing and printing facilities.
    • Access to the Electron Microprobe Facility for quantitative major and minor element (0.01 wt%) analysis using either energy dispersive analysis or wavelength dispersive analysis.
    • Access to the Ion Microprobe Facility for isotopic and trace element (ppm) analysis.